Friday, May 9, 2014

Fed Up

Have you heard about this documentary that opens today? The synopsis from the Fed Up website states "Everything we’ve been told about food and exercise for the past 30 years is dead wrong. FED UP is the film the food industry doesn’t want you to see. From Katie Couric, Laurie David (Oscar winning producer of AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH) and director Stephanie Soechtig, FED UP will change the way you eat forever."

Here's a link to the documentary website and you can watch the trailer there too.

I haven't seen the movie, don't know if I'll agree with it 100%, but from what I read I absolutely agree that added sugar is the reason for the majority of health problems in children and adults. In my opinion, exercise is absolutely important, but what you eat is equally important.

In this fantastic article, Fed Up: Cook or Be Cooked, by Dr. Mark Hyman, he says he was in medical school in the 80s and there was not a case of a child with Type 2 Diabetes. I asked my husband who was in med school in the 90s. Same thing. So basically since around 2000, children have started being diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes (formerly called Adult Onset Diabetes) because of their diets. How are we setting our children up for a healthy, happy, productive life if we are allowing this to happen?

Why do we eat high-sugar foods?
  • Some people know better, but choose to make poor decisions.
  • Some people trust food company claims ("healthy", "natural", etc.) It's unfortunate that we can't trust the claims!
  • Consumers are bombarded with commercials and advertising and think they must have these exciting new products. 
  • Cravings from already consuming too many high-sugar foods.
  • Addiction?
  • Many, many people unfortunately live in food deserts where healthy fresh produce is not available. What's available are fast food restaurants and convenient stores that sell cheap "food" that looks like a better deal to people trying to stretch their dollar.
  • And there are probably many people who buy prepared food just out of convenience.
  • Some people never learned how to cook and don't know where to start.
  • Added sugar is in almost everything!
  • The reasons are numerous, and we should focus on HOW can this be changed?

What can you do? Start with you and your family if you haven't already. First, significantly cut added sugars from your diet. If you are participating in the Real Food Challenge to cut out processed foods, you may be working on that this week with your beverages.

Next, stop buying processed foods with zero nutritional value. It's not just added sugar that makes these foods so unhealthy, but also sodium, preservatives, and artificial colors. You can speak with your money. If companies start to lose money, they'll change their products. It may take time, but it can work.

Also, educate your family members and friends. Set a good example with your healthy eating and healthy lifestyle. If the topic comes up in conversation, explain why you choose to eat fruits and vegetables over sodas and packets of 100-calorie cookies.

Teach your children the importance of healthy food and teach them how to cook or just let them cook with you. This is on top of my to-do list this summer with our son.

Keep in mind that there are people who think they are eating healthy by purchasing some of the products they do, because that's what marketing and advertising has led them to believe. Finds ways to educate others without preaching to them... take real foods to your children's school parties, and soccer games, invite friends to your house for dinner and serve delicious vegetables with a dessert of fruit, ask coworkers to pack a lunch and sit in the park on your lunch break! Be that person that chooses to make a change, slowly others will stand with you, but it may take time. REAL FOOD is awesome. It makes us feel good. It allows us to be who we want and do what we want to do. Be the crazy one out there promoting a healthy life... soon others will join you :)

Action Item(s): Watch the movie trailer. Take the mini-pledge to drink real beverages. Or take the Fed Up Challenge.  If nothing else, PLEDGE to take care of your family members and ESPECIALLY your CHILDREN. Do not let them start their lives with preventable health problems. Teach them healthy eating habits starting today!

For Further Reading: Sugar, Come Out With Your Hands Up, Kids Eat Right, Kids Cook Monday

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