For us, a batch of guacamole with crackers* is pure taste-bud heaven. We often argue about who's taking the most bites. (Usually, Ron). As with everything else, you need to be careful about ingredients. We've found an idea from allrecipes and changed it just a tiny bit.

Plain Greek yogurt
Add ingredients (to taste) in a bowl, mash with a fork, and enjoy!
Avocados are a good source of fiber, potassium, and vitamins C,K, folate, and B6. Half an avocado has 160 calories, 15 grams of heart-healthy unsaturated fat, and only 2 grams saturated fat. One globe contains more than one-third daily value of vitamin C, and more than half the day’s requirements of vitamin K. (thank you WebMD).
There are quite a few calories in an avocado, so still watch your portion control. Avocados are a great substitute for mayonnaise on sandwiches as well. Remember, ask yourself before eating -- does this food fuel my body with nutrients I need? Avocado=yes, mayonnaise=no.
*snack crackers can be just as bad for you as other processed foods, so look for crackers with whole wheat, and very few ingredients, or there are some good crackers available made with rice and/or nuts if you can't or do not want to eat wheat. Triscuit Thin Crisps are mine and my son's favorite.
Action item: Try adding avocados to your meals - as a replacement for mayo, in salads or make guacamole.
For further reading: Avocado recipes
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