Monday, July 28, 2014

Make Your Own Bread Again

peasant breadSo you might have seen this recipe already. I found it somewhere online; not sure if it was a facebook post, Greatist or MSN. Then after making the bread and telling a friend about it, I saw it highlighted again as a top story on MSN.

If you missed it, then you're getting another chance. If you like bread but don't love to make it, this link is for you!

Two different batches. The color of the bread came out the same, it's just the lighting in the kitchen that was different.

That link, from, takes you through every step with details and advice. I've made this bread twice and we love it. Why? You ask. 
  1. It's simple
  2. It's delicious
  3. It only has 6 ingredients: flour, salt, water, sugar, yeast, butter. And very little of everything except flour.
  4. I used whole-wheat flour and it worked!
The second batch I made, I added pepitas in the buttered bowl. Next time I plan to try the recipe with some oat flour replacing some of the whole-wheat flour. The website offers a gluten-free option as well.

My bread did not rise as well as Alexandra's, but I'm working on that. Guessing it might be the whole-wheat flour, or perhaps with bread I need to adjust it a little for living at 5300 ft, or I realized that I did not mix my yeast/sugar/water before dumping it in the flour. No matter - still delicious. And I did not have Pyrex bowls, so I used two of my Polish pottery bowls that worked perfectly.

Action Item: Come on, try this bread. It still takes a little time, because you do have to let the dough rise for 1.5 - 2 hours at first, then 30ish minutes the second time. 

For Further Reading: I was going to list some articles about the benefits of making your own bread. Instead I'll ask you to go to your search engine and type in "why you should make your own bread" and the results give you a good overview: save money, healthier for you, to stop feeling bloated, you know what's in it, etc. Bread is time consuming and I know you can't make all your bread at home without skipping workouts or taking time off work, but you can make it often. And when you can't, be sure to buy bread with whole grains and very few ingredients. 


  1. I want to try this ...It looks yummy! What is pepitas,,some kind of seed? I didn`t know you could bake in your Polish pottery.

  2. Yes, pepitas are pumpkin seeds. I thought only if they were out of the shell, but apparently it can refer to either. Pepitas is just more fun to say than pumpkin seeds!

  3. Oops, and Polish pottery is great for everything!
