Thursday, January 8, 2015

Choco Muesli

I took this photo the first day I tried the mixture
in milk - without baking it. Baking the ingredients
of course makes them a bit crunchy which is even
more delicious. I used pumpkin seeds instead of
walnuts in the first batch; both provide lots of
I came upon this delicious creation by accident. I was making granola bars for my son's class, and I didn't use enough "binding" ingredients so the granola bars were crumbly. "Hhhmmm," I thought to myself "this stuff is delicious. I think I'll put it in milk." Surprise, the taste took me back to my favorite Choco Muesli in Germany.

Follow this recipe for Energy Bars.
My ingredients this time included: oats, O's cereal (with only 1g of sugar), dark chocolate chips, chopped walnuts, chia seeds, dried cranberries, maple syrup and natural almond butter. Different than the granola bar recipe, I used 1.5c of maple syrup and 1c of almond butter. I might try even less syrup/nut butter next time just to cut back on calories and cost.

Bake in the oven at 250 degree for 75 minutes.
I took this advice from my 100 Days of Real Food cookbook. I guess this technically makes it granola and not muesli. Try it either way - nothing needs to be cooked, the time in the oven just adds a nice crunch if you like it.

The result: Delicious and very filling. Start with a small bowl, because I promise you don't need a lot. Or sprinkle some muesli on your yogurt or just eat it as a dry snack.

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