Monday, January 12, 2015

More about real food

This is a great question. Real food costs what it costs - yes, it can sometimes seem like a lot especially if you are on a budget with little room to deviate. BUT the inexpensive food is most times NOT FOOD. It's chemicals and additives that may or have been proven to negatively affect your health (mood swings, weight gain, reduced energy level, gastrointestinal problems, etc.) and buying this type of "food" financially hurts the farmers.  

Eat whole foods. Eat real food. Cook at home.You'll soon find that you are not spending that much more. You are likely to even save money; one reason is that your unhealthy food cravings will disappear in time. Processed foods are very addictive. From, "Your body processes whole foods much differently than it does refined, processed, and heavily-modified "junk" foods. Processed foods tend to overstimulate the production of dopamine, also known as the "pleasure" neurotransmitter, which makes you crave them constantly. Your body ends up not being able to resist the temptation to continue eating junk foods in excess, which can lead to obesity and other health problems."

Another reason you'll save money (and our natural resources) is because making a batch of chili, for example, can be cheaper per serving than buying cans. No waste. It's healthier. And home-cooked tastes better!

Read about the other reasons to never eat processed food again. 

You can find lots of articles online about money-saving grocery shopping ideas. Here are two to get you started:

What to Eat When You're Broke
Healthy Eating on a Budget


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