Thursday, February 13, 2014

Latest Research

After reading this article from NPR, this is a great time to mention research and results.

The Full-Fat Paradox: Whole Milk May Keep Us Lean

Science and research are wonderful, absolutely necessary, and at times contradictory to what you've believed or been told for years. There are hundreds if not thousands of research articles published daily that do not make the news. It takes a story that's a little controversial to really hit the headlines. 

I do believe that full-fat products can keep people lean when those people are eating a healthy, diverse diet. Full-fat products can be beneficial to those not getting enough calories and questionable to people with health concerns. The problem with news outlets promoting parts of research studies - not pointing my finger at this one - is that some people take that as a free pass to eat all the dark chocolate they want or skip high-intensity exercise or never eat a specific food again. When you read stories like this, stop and consider your diet and how this may or may not fit in with what you are already doing. For example, we drink skim milk in our house (if we're not drinking almond, soy or coconut milk) and most of the time eat full-fat cheese since the low-fat products often include added ingredients. Will I switch to full-fat milk? No, I don't like the taste. Will I now eat full-fat cheese with a little less guilt? You betcha!

Action Alert: Keep reading nutrition research articles, but use it as a tool to make better decisions not as a free pass to eat something you want or skip something you don't like!

For Further Reading: Many people skip dairy altogether for a number of reasons, "Dairy Food Substitutes—The Sky's The Limit."

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