Saturday, February 15, 2014

Travel Snacks

It's test time!
Taking a road trip or traveling on a plane is a good time to a) buy fast food, b) eat those cookies you've been thinking about, c) an easy way to skip calories until you get to where you are going, or d) none of the above.
You guessed it, none of the above! Traveling can require better planning skills and eating habits than your daily routine. The key is to plan ahead. If you don't have time to plan ahead at least make a plan so you don't find yourself standing in a convenience store grabbing anything to eat.
If you plan ahead, pack the same type of snacks you eat at home: pretzels, homemade muffins, crackers, fruit, raw veggies, dried fruit, peanut butter sandwich, cheese and granola bars. Sitting in the car or on a plane all day, you are not burning calories and do not need as much food. If you don't have time to pack food or no space to carry it, you can still find room for a few essentials like an apple and nuts. That way you won't be famished when you are buying food and you're brain can still make good decisions. You can purchase just enough food to supplement what you were able to pack. You can even make good decisions at a convenience store or airport... just skip the chips, chocolate and high sugar or salty items. If you're traveling, you probably don't want to show up at your destination feeling sluggish or sick.
If you pack or buy junk food, you're going to eat it. Often times while traveling, we eat when we are dehydrated or bored. Not because we're hungry. Ask yourself why you are eating before you start snacking.
Lastly, staying hydrated is key! This can ward off headaches, help you keep your energy level high and aid digestion.
Other good things to try:
  • Do not wear tight pants. Your intestines need space to work!
  • Get up and move when you can or at the least fland relax your muscles while sitting.
Action Item: Pack travel snacks anytime you are out for the day... at the park, shopping or visiting a museum.
For Further Reading: Some more ideas for healthy travel snacking, Healthy Travel Snacks

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