Thursday, January 9, 2014

Greek Yogurt

If you're not eating Greek yogurt already, you should give it a try! We tried it a few years ago and Ron mentioned that the plain would be a good substitute for sour cream. Since then, our Mexican food is topped with a dollop of plain Greek yogurt. So good! Then I started adding it to recipes. The first time was just because I was out of something else, but it's great for baking because it keeps the items (usually cookies or muffins in my case) very moist while also adding protein!

Many people prefer Greek yogurt for the thicker, creamier texture; buy plain and add your own fruit and/or add lowfat granola for extra flavor and texture for a healthy snack. I've noticed that the individual containers have MUCH less sugar than regular yogurt (though I recommend large containers to be kind to Mother Earth). Even blueberry Greek yogurt, for example, has 6 grams of sugar in one serving and I bet 20-something in "regular" yogurt with fruit. More on that topic later.

Action item: Try using Greek yogurt this week... as a snack, in a recipe or as a substitute for sour cream.

For further reading: Baking with Greek Yogurt - I haven't tried any of these recipes, but they sure look tempting!


  1. We LOVE Greek Yogurt...especially the kids. Chobani even makes the tubes that are easy for lunchboxes. Have you tried Siggis Icelandic yogurt? I just bought some the other day..14g Protein and 11g Sugar in a 5oz container and it is DELICIOUS. They make a milky yogurt in a large container as well that's great for smoothies or just drinking.

  2. I'll look into the Siggis Icelandic yogurt - thanks!
