Saturday, January 25, 2014

What about protein?

People working toward healthier diets often cut back on their meat intake. Many times, the first question by you (or others suddenly concerned about your protein intake) is "how do I get enough protein?" Don't despair... there's healthier protein everywhere! Choose fish/seafood, nuts, beans/peas, low-fat dairy, and check out the links below for vegan high-protein, nutrient-packed foods.

Keep in mind, that "Protein tends to play a starring role at mealtimes, but you might be better off if it moves out of the spotlight and becomes part of a supporting cast of foods on your plate.

Most Americans get more than enough protein each day, and may be getting too much of this nutrient from animal sources, like meat, poultry, and eggs.
Although important in the diet, extra protein will not help you build more muscle or make you stronger. When you're consuming too much of it, you're probably taking in more calories and fat than your body needs.

You need protein because "it has its hands in every critical function of the body," says Leslie Bonci, MPH, RD, director of sports nutrition at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. But the truth about protein is that many people don't need as much as they are taking in." Thank you, WebMD.

An easy way to start cutting back on meat is by participating in Meatless Monday, a program started by the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. This is a great read: Why Meatless?

I'm not recommending that everyone change to a vegetarian lifestyle unless that is your goal! Our family chose to cut meat from our diets for health and environmental reasons. We have worked at it for years, and we probably eat meatless meals 90% of the time. I do recommend cutting back on meat if you haven't already and have fun trying new vegetarian/plant-based recipes. I think you'll notice a difference in your energy level and your overall health! My Mom always told me to "eat my veggies" and I finally started listening. Now I'm healthier for it :)

Depending on your dietary needs and what works best for you, meat can play a healthy and important role in your diet. As always, choose foods that fuel your body and meet your needs.

A word of caution - adding processed veggie products to your diet is a fine way to get started or to supplement a meal on a busy day, but please note that processed or pre-packaged veggie sausage, veggie burgers, etc. may include tons of sodium. So just keep reading those labels!

Action Item: Make your own hummus with this recipe or find one with roasted red peppers, more garlic, etc. Or try protein-rich foods in different ways... last night I added leftover red quinoa into our chili. Easy, simple and added protein, iron and other nutrients!

For further reading: 10 Vegan Foods Packed with Protein and Five Easy Steps to Wean Off Meat and How Much Protein Do You Need?

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