Friday, March 28, 2014


I read yesterday that Taco Bell was rolling out it's new waffle taco breakfast (link to the article is below). Seriously? These "foods" are completely unnecessary in my opinion, and probably yours if you are reading this. If you are even considering eating the waffle taco breakfast (or anything similar), please choose not to if you value your health. Not just because of the high fat content and the unnecessary calories, but I can only imagine the added ingredients to make it salty and addictive. In the time it takes to drive to a fast food restaurant and wait in line, I'm pretty certain you could toast some bread, add peanut butter and grab a banana for the road! It costs less, it's healthier and there's no wasted wrappers and containers. Win, win, win, win and win. OK, I went a little too far, but I've very passionate about skipping fast food restaurants completely and especially for the meal that sets the tone for the rest of your day!

In the coming days, I'll talk more about healthy meal options. If you have a favorite quick & healthy breakfast or lunch, email me at

Action Item: If you eat at fast food restaurants regularly, try cutting back a little each week. Find other convenient ways to eat. Making your lunch in the morning will take extra time, but consider that if you make your lunch you could have time to sit quietly in the sun while enjoying a lunch that fuels you for the afternoon. If you run to Burger King, you're probably in a car, in traffic, waiting in line and rushing. Choose health.

For Further Reading: Taco Bell Rolls Out Waffle Taco Breakfast (If you really want to see what this "breakfast" looks like!) Check out Taco Bell's Ingredient Statement if you want to see what's in their food. I'm not picking on Taco Bell (I was gained my freshmen 15 by eating Taco Bell); I feel the same about most fast food restaurants. I'm sure you can now also find other restaurants nutritional info online.

And remember, there are still a few days left in National Nutrition Month. A great time for you to start or reinforce some healthy eating habits. Visit the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics website for more tips and advice:

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